What is the point of Physics?

Well done to Akindu for his poem on the importance of physics. Take a look at his poem and cover letter below:

“Dear judges. To those who are obsessed with science and those with the physics alliance. I’m Akindu Ginneliya, and I am studying year 7 in Maiden Erlegh school in reading. I’m excited to present to you my poem which is called “What is the point of Physics?” which I am entering into the Eureka competition. My poem talks about how without physics we wouldn’t know about particles and how they act, how with a little help with maths it can predict a natural disaster, how sound, light and airwaves move, and how the universe behaves like the big bang. I chose to structure my answer as a poem as a rhyming poem makes me feel more motivated to read it as it rhymes but it also gets the meaning across not just to adults but also teenagers and children. The words “to those who are obsessed with science and those with the physics alliance” are the start to my poem. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have writing it.”


To those who are obsessed science

And those with the Physics Alliance

Let me answer your Question

what is the point of Physics?

Physics help us to understand astronomy

Which allows us to develop the economy

Without it rockets wouldn’t go up high

And the astronauts inside would surely die

Reading all these boring articles

What you don’t know, they’re made of particles

Without physics we would never know

If they sing, cling or even grow

Physics is science’s master

As with a little help from maths it can predict a natural disaster

From hurricanes to torrential rain

Even a droplet you see stored in the drain

Physics helps us to understand how the universe behaves

Studies sound, light and airwaves

I hope this answers your question

What is the point of physics

By Akindu

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