Bringing CT scans to life

Well done to Jessica for her submission on the importance of medical physics. Take a look at her cover letter below:

My submission for The Eurekas is called ‘Bringing CT Scans to Life’. I have used multiple CT scans of a person, showing sections from the top of the head to their torso, which I have connected together to demonstrate how they can be used to make a 3D model. My model is designed to show the relevance of physics today. Physicists work in healthcare as radiologists and computer technicians. There is a huge need for young people to work in this field which they can do through hands-on apprenticeships to become technicians or degrees to become specialists. Many people would have had experience of having an X-ray so this is something a lot of people can relate to. The advancements of computers in Medical Physics can provide these detailed, high-quality images that can make a real difference to the diagnosis and treatment of a patient. The National Lung Screening Trial found that using CT scans reduced lung cancer deaths. This highlights the impact that increased numbers of physicists working in this field could have on people’s lives.

Find more submissions here.